Diploma work / Диплоьмная Работа Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" / Российский Научнчый Центр "Курчатовский Институт"
Radiation loss studies on T-10 tokamak using AXUV-detectors. Review of radiation processes in a tokamak plasma and detectors for its registration. Description of the radiation diagnostics facilities on the russian T-10 tokamak of the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, Russia. Calibration of a new pinhole camera containing a very fast semiconductor AXUV-photodiode array. Radiation loss investigation of various tokamak discharges, especially of regimes of improved confinement. AXUV technology permits fast bolometric measurements and the evaluation of fast radiation processes like snakes, pellet injections, impurity seeding and neutral beam injection. Inversion of chord measurements for the determination of the emissivity profile.
Diploma report (DVI:390 KB; PDF: 16.4 MB). Latest edition 14.03.2003.
Abstract: en français : ,
in english: ,
in deutsch: .
Presentation (DVI: 30 KB; PDF: 1.5 MB). The diploma defence took place at KIAE in Moscow on 28 of march (2003)
Collection of programs (ZIP, programmed in Matlab 6.5)